
Sep 13, 2024
Category: General
Posted by: admin

Well, we didn't expect to get famous for this, but Barron spoke before the Springfield City Council about the housing crisis and issues in Springfield - and it got picked up and spread all over. See it here!


About Us

About Out To Pastor.

Way back around 2008 Barron got really serious about his faith and started going out on the street giving away free food and free hot dogs to anyone in need. About that time he got in touch with Doug Perry from Liberty Disaster Relief in Kansas City and they began to partner on praying for and meeting needs in their respective towns. Doug has been running homeless shelters, food pantries, thrift/free store and more since 2005.  Because of his internet presence, Christians have come from all over to help, living in community and be a part of the work there in Excelsior Springs and Liberty, Missouri.

Liberty Disaster Relief isn't just about disasters in Liberty, Missouri - it's about having a "Liberty Disaster."

We classify a Liberty Disaster as a physical crisis in which basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, transportation) are being disrupted. If your car broke down and you can't get to work and are going to lose your job, you're have a liberty disaster. If you're a single mom and you're plumbing just exploded and is squirting all over the house, you're not free. If the landlord just threw you out on the street so they could make three times as much in rent from the government, you're having a Liberty Disaster.  Somebody should come help - maybe especially those that say they love Jesus and want to free the captives.

We also classify a "Liberty Disaster" as a spiritual crisis in which a person is unable to walk in the liberty and freedom that is promised to them in Christ. That may mean slavery to things like: health issues, addiction, bitterness, unforgiveness, and more.

As of August, 2024, Liberty Disaster Relief in Kansas City operates 11 group homes, has distributed over seven MILLION pounds of food to date, operates a 40 acre eco-farm with a 20 acre cave underneath, has a thrift store and a community storehouse full of household goods and corporate donations, and just recently received a donation of over 40 semi-trailers of toilet paper, paper towels, soap, disinfectant, gloves, masks and other things to care for a whole community. There are case managers to help get people replacement ID's, Social Security cards, jobs, disability, government housing and more as needed.

Creating active, thriving partnerships with other local organizations is a big part of our mission. We accept donations of just about anything that can be used for the ministry or given to those in need. We have a lot of big ideas about how to change the world, how to house homeless and much more. We've been listening to God and trusting Him for everything for a long time - while taking shots from government and neighbors and even churches.

Go ahead and ask us what God is telling us to do to fix it all and see if it doesn't blow your mind!


Note: My Brothers Keeper TV is still under development. Keep checking in.
But here's a link to the theme song! HERE

And this is Patti, the lady with two grandkids that we met at the bus station, helping out one day at the food pantry.


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